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Success Affirmation

[Affirmation] Bruce Lipton: "I choose thoughts that empower me."



"As the master of our own mind, we hold the key to unlock boundless potential. But, unlocking that potential often requires a shift in perspective, a change in our internal dialogue. For Bruce Lipton, that shift came in the form of one simple affirmation: "I choose thoughts that empower me."


"The Biology of Belief"

Bruce Lipton is a renowned cell biologist, who after years of research, discovered the undeniable connection between our thoughts and the way our cells function. In his book "The Biology of Belief," Lipton delves into the science behind this connection, and how our thoughts can either empower or hinder our ability to create the life we desire.


"The Garden of the Mind"

Through this affirmation, Lipton made a conscious choice to cultivate a garden of empowering thoughts within his mind. He recognized that just as a gardener must tend to their garden, regularly weeding out any negative or limiting thoughts, he too must tend to the garden of his mind.


"The Power of Choice"

With this realization, Lipton made a commitment to actively choose thoughts that would empower him in his journey towards success. He understood that our thoughts shape our reality, and by choosing thoughts that align with his goals and aspirations, he was able to manifest abundance and success in his life.


"The Butterfly Effect"

Through his research and personal journey, Lipton has shown how small changes in our thoughts can have a ripple effect, ultimately leading to significant transformation in our lives. By choosing to empower ourselves through our thoughts, we have the ability to change not only our own lives, but the world around us.

"So, as you continue on your journey towards success, remember the power of choice. Cultivate a garden of empowering thoughts within your mind, and watch as the butterfly of success takes flight."


For more information about Bruce Lipton and his work, you can visit his website at https://www.brucelipton.com/ or pick up a copy of his book "The Biology of Belief" available on Amazon.


Bruce H. Lipton, PhD – Bridging Science and Spirit

Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio
