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Success Affirmation

[Affirmation] Esther Hicks: "I am in the flow of well-being."

Esther and Jerry Hicks, 2007, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_Hicks


The Path of Flow: Esther Hicks and Her Journey Toward Well-Being

Esther Hicks is a renowned spiritual teacher and author, who has been inspiring people to create their own paths to success for decades. She is best known for her acclaimed teachings on the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking.

At the core of Esther's teachings is the idea that we all have the power to manifest our desires and live in the flow of well-being. This means that we can create our own paths to success and happiness, instead of simply waiting for the universe to deliver us what we want.

Harnessing the Power of Positive Thinking

Esther Hicks has long been a proponent of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. She believes that when we focus on the positive aspects of our lives and think positively, then we will attract more of the same into our lives.

In order to harness the power of positive thinking, Esther encourages her readers and followers to practice affirmations. These affirmations are statements that are meant to remind ourselves of the positive aspects of our lives, and to help us focus on our desired outcomes.

Esther's most famous affirmation is, "I am in the flow of well-being." This affirmation is meant to remind us that we are the creators of our own lives, and that we have the power to manifest our desires.

Putting the Law of Attraction into Action

Esther Hicks has written many books on the Law of Attraction, and she has also created a program called The Hicks Method, which teaches people how to put the Law of Attraction into practice.

The Hicks Method is a step-by-step system that helps people to identify their desires and create a plan to manifest them. It also teaches people how to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, and how to use affirmations to help them stay on track and in the flow of well-being.

In addition to her books and the Hicks Method, Esther has also created a series of online courses to help her followers learn more about the Law of Attraction and how to put it into practice.

A Message of Encouragement

Esther Hicks reminds us that we all have the power to create our own paths to success and happiness. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and using positive affirmations, we can stay in the flow of well-being and manifest our desires.

No matter how hard life may seem, remember that you have the power to create your own path to success. With the right mindset, hard work, and determination, you can achieve anything you set your sights on.

Take a page out of Esther Hicks's book and focus on the positive aspects of your life, and soon you too will be in the flow of well-being.

For more information on Esther Hicks and her teachings, check out her books and programs. (https://www.abraham-hicks.com/).



The original material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world and the fountainhead of which the movie, “The Secret” was based.
